
Search Engine Dominance Through SEM

You’ve established your presence on the web. Now what? It’s time to start dominating the web!

Search Engine Marketing is much more than just marketing and advertising through the main search engines. Once you have made your online presence, in order to drive business to your website you have to have the right tools.

More Than Simple Advertising

There are many ways to get your name and brand on the first page of a search engine results page. Many companies turn to digital advertising with web extensions such as call extensions, product extensions or website extensions. By combining traditional paid ads with organic information it is easy to create a presence. However, with Search Engine Marketing, you use a multitude of other opportunities to create a more subtle, yet effective, online image.

How We Create Search Engine Dominance

Our goal at American SEO Marketing is to get you and your company multiple results listings from a search engine. Studies have shown that most consumers won’t even consider clicking through the lower results, usually being satisfied with the first one or two. Our answer to that is simple: Make our clients appear among the top results.

By creating optimized websites with unique URLs, you increase your chance of being clicked on. Along with increased click opportunities, you also occupy more of the top slots, pushing your competitors further down the list.

Contact Us

Count on American SEO Marketing to build an affordable SEM campaign that puts your company in all the right places.