
Social Media Management – (Facebook Ads)

You’ve decided to create a Facebook page for brand awareness or want use Facebook Ads because you know that social media is a powerful force on the Internet. That’s great! However, maybe you’re realizing you don’t have the time to learn that skill-set and keep up. You know it’s important to post frequently and provide quality content, but you just don’t have the time for that kind of maintenance. Yet, without it, you will not get rewarded with new traffic, and it will have a detrimental impact on your online presence.

Fortunately, we are here to help, and ensure that your Facebook page and Facebook Ads don’t get neglected. Our skilled copywriters provide social media management services, writing your articles, posts, and Ads based on direction from you. We would be happy to show you examples of articles, posts, and ads we’ve completed for other clients to give a sense of how we work. The costs for these services vary depending from surprising low to Pay-Per-Performance, and we always operate with your guidance to maintain your particular need of return on investment.

Get the most out of your Facebook Page and Facebook Ads by keeping them active with high quality content and lead generating results. Book a strategy session (see link below) with us today to get started with Facebook Social Media!
